Seyfarth Synopsis: Two big changes are on the horizon for California employers:
(1) changes to the COVID-19 general exposure notification requirements and (2) a proposed “permanent” Cal/OSHA COVID-19 standard to take effect January 1, 2023-2025.

The fall season signals change between the warmth and sun of summer and the cold and wet of winter. This year, fall also includes

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Seyfarth Synopsis: Several California counties currently have mask “recommendations” that are stricter than the state’s guidance, recommending all people wear masks in indoor settings. As of 11:59 p.m. on July 17, 2021, Los Angeles will go a step further, implementing a revised Public Health Order with a new mask mandate requiring people—regardless of vaccination status—to wear masks in
Continue Reading Mask Mandates and Recommendations Return

Seyfarth Synopsis: Following a rollercoaster ride that lasted for weeks, and culminated in another 4.5 hour long marathon meeting, on June 17, 2021, Cal/OSHA finally approved a revised version of its Emergency Temporary Standard (“ETS”). While the revised ETS aligns closer to guidance issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”)
Continue Reading Finally! Cal/OSHA Approves Revised Emergency Temporary Standard

Seyfarth Synopsis: It is important for companies to investigate internal sexual harassment complaints and take prompt, appropriate corrective action. This post provides a six-step roadmap of best practices for handling sexual harassment complaints.

1.   Plan Ahead

Continue Reading You’ve Got An Internal Sexual Harassment Complaint: Now What?