Seyfarth Synopsis: SB 1162, which may soon be signed into law, will require employers to report even more pay data to the California Civil Rights Department (CRD, formerly DFEH), including median and mean pay gap information. But, removed from the bill was a requirement that the CRD post the pay data online.

It’s Almost Game Time!

As we previously blogged
Continue Reading SB 1162 Deep In The Gridiron With Reporting Pay Data

Seyfarth Synopsis: On August 12, 2021, the City and County of San Francisco issued an order requiring certain businesses offering food services or fitness services indoors to check for proof of full vaccination. This requirement will apply to patrons 12 years and older, effective August 20, 2021. Staff must be fully vaccinated by October 13, 2021. This order also extended
Continue Reading From VIP Lists to Vaccine Cards: Expanding Vaccination Requirements