Seyfarth Synopsis: On October 6, 2021, the City Council of Los Angeles approved, and Mayor Garcetti signed, an ordinance that will require patrons to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination before entering many indoor locations in the City. Impacted locations include food and drink establishments, gyms and fitness venues, entertainment and recreation venues, personal care establishments, and City government buildings. The
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Mason Winters
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Health Care Workers In a World of Pure Vaccination
By Mason Winters & Kristina M. Launey on
Posted in 2021 Cal-Peculiarities, COVID-19
Seyfarth Synopsis: On August 5, 2021, California’s Public Health Department ordered “health care” workers to provide proof that they received their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by September 30, 2021. Unlike the July 26, 2021, Order, the August 5 Order does not allow workers to avoid the vaccine mandate by testing regularly, except for workers who claim a …
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