Seyfarth Synopsis: While the Buggles took creative liberties when they claimed that Video Killed The Radio Star, the House of Origin deadline axed a number of employment-related bills. California legislators began this legislative session at the apex of the pandemic, introducing a flurry of COVID-19-related bills, many of which failed to survive the June 4, 2021 deadline to pass
Continue Reading California Legislative Update: House Of Origin Deadline Unplugs Employment Bills

Seyfarth Synopsis: Sometimes even the best employees can have their woebegone days. How is an employer to distinguish between (1) a mental disability that may require accommodation and (2) a case of someone “having the Mondays”? In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we offer some therapeutic antidotes for your queries on tackling mental illnesses at work.

Continue Reading Employer Web Therapy: Accommodating Employee Mental Health Illness

Seyfarth Synopsis: While targeted social media ads may help employers find potential applicants with specific skill sets, inartfully crafted ads may open the door to discrimination claims, particularly in California.

We’ve already told you about the parade of horribles employers may face when using social media when making hiring decisions.

Well, more social media, more problems.

Micro-Targeting May Open The
Continue Reading Is Looking For Applicants On Social Media Looking For Trouble?

Seyfarth Synopsis: Can employers deny employment to people who use cannabis under a medical prescription authorized by state law? In more and more states, the answer is now “No.”

Changes in cannabis laws are creating a new haze for employers. What follows is a quick summary citing some (not all) states that now require employers to think twice before denying
Continue Reading Budding Development: States Requiring Employers to Tolerate Medical Cannabis Use

Seyfarth Synopsis: A proposed bill would amend California employment discrimination law to protect medical marijuana users.

California—already famous (or infamous) as a sanctuary in the immigration area—could soon become a sanctuary for medical marijuana users. A proposed bill would protect medical marijuana users from employment discrimination.

Currently, California employers can deny employment to users of marijuana, even if the use
Continue Reading Into the Weeds: Will California Employment Law Protect Medical Marijuana Users?

Seyfarth Synopsis: Genetic discrimination lawsuits can result in substantial costs. California employers should regularly review their hiring and employment policies and procedures to ensure that they are not exposing themselves to potential liability on the basis of genetic information discrimination.

For most of us, exposure to “DNA” dates back to high school science class or dinosaur theme park movies. Many
Continue Reading Scary as Dinosaurs: California’s Genetic Information Discrimination Code

Seyfarth Synopsis: Our mission here at Cal-Pecs is to illuminate how California employment law differs from the law that employers generally experience throughout America. In this back-to-basics piece, we provide some background and a brief catalog of stark contrasts.

In 1846, American settlers in Mexican Alta California staged the Bear Flag Revolt. They declared an independent republic, seeking freedom from
Continue Reading Picking a Fight: How California Makes Employment Law Peculiar

Seyfarth Synopsis: When the decision is to terminate, getting the basics right can go a long way toward preventing claims down the road by departing employees. 

Inevitably, at some point, every employment relationship comes to an end. For many people, where they work and what they do is a source of pride and self-worth, as well as livelihood. People
Continue Reading End of The Employment Road? Tips To Avoid a Collision

By Brian Long

The California Supreme Court rarely puts employers in the holiday spirit. But this year, amidst all the lumps of coal that employers could find in the Christmas stocking, there was one treat: Harris v. City of Santa Monica (2013) 56 Cal.4th 203.

In Harris, a unanimous high court held that a “same decision” defense applies to employment
Continue Reading Year-End Round-Up of Employment Cases Pending Before the Cal Supremes