Seyfarth Synopsis: When faced with wildfires or natural disasters, California employers must keep calm, carry on, and continue to meet their obligations under California law.

Be Prepared.

All employers, not just those in California, must have an Emergency Action Plan (“EAP”) and Fire Prevention Plan (“FPP’).

California regulations state that an EAP should include (1) procedures for emergency evacuation, (2)
Continue Reading When Disaster Strikes: How Employers Should Respond to Wildfires

Seyfarth Synopsis: Yes, it’s true: California employees can be entitled to pay for time they haven’t worked. Here, we highlight two common instances: split shifts and reporting time.

Your head—already spinning if you’ve wrapped it around California’s quirky wage and hour laws—may explode when you consider the notion of having to pay for time not worked. The duties to pay
Continue Reading Paying Employees Who Haven’t Worked: Split Shifts And Reporting Pay

By Chris Crosman

Reporting time pay is one of the provisions of California wage and hour law that is often overlooked by employers.  The requirement to pay reporting time is set forth in Section 5 of all but one of the 17 Wage Orders, and it guarantees workers that they will be paid for at least half of their scheduled
Continue Reading Time is Money: Reporting Time Rules in California