Seyfarth Synopsis: While the second half of the 2020-21 legislative session saw comparatively fewer employment-related bills than in previous years, those that made it to Governor Newsom’s desk carry some hefty obligations. The Governor has until October 10th to either sign or veto the bills presented. Here is our summary of the bills needing only the stroke of the
Continue Reading California Legislative Update: California Employers Await Newsom’s Bill-Signing Results

Seyfarth Synopsis: While the Buggles took creative liberties when they claimed that Video Killed The Radio Star, the House of Origin deadline axed a number of employment-related bills. California legislators began this legislative session at the apex of the pandemic, introducing a flurry of COVID-19-related bills, many of which failed to survive the June 4, 2021 deadline to pass
Continue Reading California Legislative Update: House Of Origin Deadline Unplugs Employment Bills

Seyfarth Synopsis: On November 8, 2016, San Jose voters approved the most recent local effort to dictate employment scheduling practices. Beginning in March 2017, San Jose employers must offer existing part-time employees additional work hours before hiring any temporary, part-time, or new worker. Violations of the ordinance can trigger city fines and private law suits.

Temporary, part-time, and
Continue Reading San Jose’s Opportunity to Work Ordinance: New Peculiarity for Employers