Seyfarth Synopsis: While employers usually don’t need to pay for travel time associated with an employee’s ordinary commute, federal and California law create exceptions that employers should know—particularly when company policy requires a certain type of transportation.

For many of us, automobile traffic—at least during the B.C. (before covid) era—has been as synonymous with California as its sunny weather
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Seyfarth Synopsis: Travel time pay is a nebulous area of the law that can leave many employers stalled on the starting blocks. Here are some guidelines to help ensure that employees get paid for all hours worked, including any compensable travel time.

Ready. Set. Not so fast.

It makes common sense to most people that commute time—the time an employee
Continue Reading The Fast, the Furious, the Fundamentals: Travel Pay in California

In addition to the numerous and often mind-numbing requirements placed upon employers in the Golden State, Labor Code Section 2802 requires that an employer “indemnify his or her employee for all necessary expenditures or losses incurred by the employee in direct consequence of the discharge of his or her duties.”  The most common employee “expenditure” seen by businesses relates
Continue Reading The Road Less Traveled: Reimbursing Employee Vehicle Expenses Through Increased Compensation Can Make All The Difference