Seyfarth Synopsis: While Governor Newsom vetoed several impactful bills prior to his October 14, 2023, signing deadline, he approved a wide array of new laws with which businesses will need to comply with in 2024 and beyond, such as those affecting non-compete agreements, paid sick leave, workplace violence prevention plans, new minimum wage standards for health care workers, and more.
Continue Reading Legislative Update: The End of the Road (for 2023)Wage Theft
Legislative Update: Nearing the End of the Road (for 2023)
Seyfarth Synopsis: Now that the Legislature’s September 14, 2023 deadline to pass bills to the Governor has come and gone, we are providing an overview of which employment bills are before the Governor for consideration, including bills that impact non-compete agreements, FEHA protected categories, paid sick leave, Cal-WARN, industry-specific requirements, and more.
It’s unnatural – 2023 saw a historic number…
Continue Reading Legislative Update: Nearing the End of the Road (for 2023)Legislative Update: Which L&E Bills Will Flourish Or Wilt As The Legislature Resumes Work After Spring Break?
Seyfarth Synopsis: When the Legislature reconvenes from Spring Break on April 10, 2023, it will resume consideration of the employment bills that were among the 2,600 introduced. Notable employment bills include those impacting new FEHA protected classes, leaves and accommodations, background checks, layoff and rehire rights, and more.
As one prominent Sacramento lobbyist tweeted: “More than 500 bills were…
Continue Reading Legislative Update: Which L&E Bills Will Flourish Or Wilt As The Legislature Resumes Work After Spring Break?New Restrictions in Settlement and Severance Agreements Headline Governor Newsom’s Final 2021 Legislative Approvals
Seyfarth Synopsis: On Saturday, October 9, 2021 Governor Newsom signed the last of 2021’s pending employment-related bills, including a bill imposing even more restrictions on settlement agreements. The new laws will become effective on January 1, 2022. This post summarizes the new approvals as well as other new key employment laws with which California employers will need to comply.
Governor Signs Garment Manufacturer, Wage Theft, and Other Employment-Related Bills
Seyfarth Synopsis: On Monday, September 27, Governor Newsom signed a number of employment-related bills, including bills aimed at combatting wage theft and wage/hour violations by garment manufacturers, all of which go into effect on January 1, 2022. The Governor also vetoed two measures by Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez aimed at paid family leave and recall rights for hotel workers.
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California Legislative Update: California Employers Await Newsom’s Bill-Signing Results
Seyfarth Synopsis: While the second half of the 2020-21 legislative session saw comparatively fewer employment-related bills than in previous years, those that made it to Governor Newsom’s desk carry some hefty obligations. The Governor has until October 10th to either sign or veto the bills presented. Here is our summary of the bills needing only the stroke of the …
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California Legislative Update: House Of Origin Deadline Unplugs Employment Bills
Seyfarth Synopsis: While the Buggles took creative liberties when they claimed that Video Killed The Radio Star, the House of Origin deadline axed a number of employment-related bills. California legislators began this legislative session at the apex of the pandemic, introducing a flurry of COVID-19-related bills, many of which failed to survive the June 4, 2021 deadline to pass …
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Legislative Update: Paid Leave and Accommodation Tops 2021 Legislative Year
Seyfarth Synopsis: Headlining the number of employment-related bills California legislators introduced by the February 19th deadline are those that would extend COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and provide other leaves and accommodations.
After last year’s pandemic-caused truncation of the 2020 legislative session—in which the governor signed only 372 new laws, the fewest since 1967—many expected the introduction of a large…
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Charting the Future: What’s Coming in 2017 in California Employment Law?
Seyfarth Synopsis: 2016 brought a wave of new protections for California employees and scant protection for employers. In this week’s post, we anticipate changes for 2017, in the ever-peculiar world of California employment law.
True to our tradition, we pause at the beginning of the New Year to reflect on last year’s California employment law changes, and consider possible trends.
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CA Paid Sick Leave Law Update: Labor Commissioner Issues Poster and Wage Theft Notice Templates and Sets Leave Accrual Date
By Kristina Launey and Ann Marie Zaletel
Just over a month before the January 1, 2015 effective date of AB 1522, the Labor Commissioner has issued two advisories of immediate interest to California employers. One is a template poster for employer compliance and the other is a revised Wage Theft Notice.
Employers may choose to use the template …
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