Seyfarth Synopsis: California lawmakers have introduced legislation that would give employees the right to ignore communications from their employers that are received outside the contours of their “working hours,” which must first be agreed upon, in writing.

If signed into law, AB 2751 would add a section to the Labor Code that would require employers to establish a workplace

Continue Reading California Considers Cutting the Cord with Right to Disconnect Legislation

Seyfarth Synopsis: Now that the Legislature’s September 14, 2023 deadline to pass bills to the Governor has come and gone, we are providing an overview of  which employment bills are before the Governor for consideration, including bills that impact non-compete agreements, FEHA protected categories, paid sick leave, Cal-WARN, industry-specific requirements, and more.

It’s unnatural – 2023 saw a historic number

Continue Reading Legislative Update: Nearing the End of the Road (for 2023)

Seyfarth Synopsis: When the Legislature reconvenes from Spring Break on April 10, 2023, it will resume consideration of the employment bills that were among the 2,600 introduced.  Notable employment bills include those impacting new FEHA protected classes, leaves and accommodations, background checks, layoff and rehire rights, and more.

As one prominent Sacramento lobbyist tweeted: “More than 500 bills were

Continue Reading Legislative Update: Which L&E Bills Will Flourish Or Wilt As The Legislature Resumes Work After Spring Break?

Seyfarth Synopsis: Taking it down to the wire, Governor Newsom approved the vast majority of labor and employment bills that ran the legislative gauntlet, including bills that will expand pay data reporting and pay scale disclosure requirements, extend COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave, create mandatory wages and working conditions for fast food workers, and more.

On the night before his

Continue Reading California Employment Legislative Update: Pay Transparency Headlines 2022 Session

Seyfarth Synopsis: Having run the legislative gauntlet, the fate of California’s 2022 employment bills now lie with Governor Newsom’s pen, including bills that would expand pay data reporting and pay scale requirements, extend COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave, and create mandatory wages and working conditions for fast food workers, and more.

August 31, 2022, marked the close of the 2022
Continue Reading Final Round: Employment Bills Making The Cut To The Governor

Seyfarth Synopsis: SB 1162, which may soon be signed into law, will require employers to report even more pay data to the California Civil Rights Department (CRD, formerly DFEH), including median and mean pay gap information. But, removed from the bill was a requirement that the CRD post the pay data online.

It’s Almost Game Time!

As we previously blogged
Continue Reading SB 1162 Deep In The Gridiron With Reporting Pay Data

Seyfarth Synopsis: Headlining the employment-related bills that passed the May 27, 2022, House of Origin Deadline is AB 85, which extended COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave to September of this year, as well as bills related to accommodations, leaves, retaliation, and workers’ compensation.

On the deadline for bill introduction, back in February, California legislators introduced 611 bills between the
Continue Reading California Legislative Update: What’s Left To Affect You?

Seyfarth Synopsis: SB 62, which became effective January 1, 2022, makes those involved in the chain of garment manufacturing jointly and severally liable for certain labor law violations, and eliminates piece-rate compensation for workers in the garment industry. As expected, the Labor Commissioner is stepping up enforcement in the new year and those in the industry should ensure
Continue Reading Wait A Minute Mr. Postman: Arrival From The Labor Commissioner?

Seyfarth Synopsis:  On Saturday, October 9, 2021 Governor Newsom signed the last of 2021’s pending employment-related bills, including a bill imposing even more restrictions on settlement agreements. The new laws will become effective on January 1, 2022. This post summarizes the new approvals as well as other new key employment laws with which California employers will need to comply.

Continue Reading New Restrictions in Settlement and Severance Agreements Headline Governor Newsom’s Final 2021 Legislative Approvals

Seyfarth Synopsis:  On Monday, September 27, Governor Newsom signed a number of employment-related bills, including bills aimed at combatting wage theft and wage/hour violations by garment manufacturers, all of which go into effect on January 1, 2022. The Governor also vetoed two measures by Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez aimed at paid family leave and recall rights for hotel workers.

Continue Reading Governor Signs Garment Manufacturer, Wage Theft, and Other Employment-Related Bills