Seyfarth Synopsis:  The reporting deadline for the 2023 California pay data reporting cycle is only six weeks away. Employers with at least 100 employees with at least one California employee must file their Pay Data Report with the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) by May 8, 2024.  While the reporting requirements are largely the same as the 2022 reporting

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Seyfarth Synopsis: As we blogged about previously, California passed a landmark pay transparency law in September 2022. As promised, the Labor Commissioner’s office has issued FAQs addressing big employer questions regarding who is covered, information required to be disclosed, and details on remote job postings.

On December 27, 2022, the California Labor Commissioner’s office released eagerly anticipated Frequently Asked Questions

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Seyfarth Synopsis: SB 1162, approved by Governor Newsom on Tuesday, September 27, will require employers starting January 1, 2023, to disclose pay scales to current employees and on job postings, and to report even more pay data to the California Civil Rights Department (CRD, formerly DFEH), including median and mean hourly rates.

On September 27, 2022, Governor Newsom signed another

Continue Reading SB 1162 Approved: Prepare for Greater Pay Transparency Requirements

Seyfarth Synopsis: SB 1162, which may soon be signed into law, will require employers to report even more pay data to the California Civil Rights Department (CRD, formerly DFEH), including median and mean pay gap information. But, removed from the bill was a requirement that the CRD post the pay data online.

It’s Almost Game Time!

As we previously blogged
Continue Reading SB 1162 Deep In The Gridiron With Reporting Pay Data

Seyfarth Synopsis: California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing released 16 new FAQs regarding the recently enacted Pay Data Reporting Law, previously summarized here. The new FAQs address several key issues, including how to calculate the triggering 100-employee threshold and what the reporting requirements are for employees who work, live, or telecommute inside or outside of California.

Employers have
Continue Reading Asked and Answered: Updates on California’s Pay Data Reporting Law