Seyfarth Synopsis: On December 16, 2021, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted to readopt the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (“ETS”) with changes that will take effect January 14, 2022. This readoption includes many changes to the current ETS, including an elimination of many of the current distinctions between vaccinated and unvaccinated workers.


The first iteration of the Cal/OSHA
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Seyfarth Synopsis: Starting today, December 15, 2021, Californians must again mask up in public indoor spaces, regardless of their vaccination status. California’s Department of Public Health imposed this state-wide four-week mandate to curb the spread of COVID-19 over the holidays.

In the face of the Omicron variant, California announced that it is again imposing a statewide requirement for everyone,
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Seyfarth Synopsis: With the latest coronavirus variant, Omicron, detected and increasing in California, many companies may be questioning their plans to host office holiday parties. But no need to call in the Grinch just yet! We have some tips to comply with current COVID-19 guidelines, and to avoid employer liability to keep this holiday season merry and bright.

It is
Continue Reading Omicron Is Coming to Town: Protecting Employers From Fa-La-La-Liability

Seyfarth Synopsis: On October 13, 2021, the San Francisco Department of Public Health issued a revised COVID-19 public health order. Of interest to many employers, the City outlined when certain businesses—such as office workspaces—may allow fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing face covering indoors. It also outlined the vaccination benchmarks by which the City will lift the indoor universal
Continue Reading I Left My Mask In San Francisco—For Fully Vaccinated Workplaces

Seyfarth Synopsis: On October 6, 2021, the City Council of Los Angeles approved, and Mayor Garcetti signed, an ordinance that will require patrons to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination before entering many indoor locations in the City. Impacted locations include food and drink establishments, gyms and fitness venues, entertainment and recreation venues, personal care establishments, and City government buildings. The
Continue Reading City of Los Angeles Approves Broad COVID-19 Vaccine Verification Mandate For Public Places

Seyfarth Synopsis: On August 12, 2021, the City and County of San Francisco issued an order requiring certain businesses offering food services or fitness services indoors to check for proof of full vaccination. This requirement will apply to patrons 12 years and older, effective August 20, 2021. Staff must be fully vaccinated by October 13, 2021. This order also extended
Continue Reading From VIP Lists to Vaccine Cards: Expanding Vaccination Requirements

Seyfarth Synopsis: On August 5, 2021, California’s Public Health Department ordered “health care” workers to provide proof that they received their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by September 30, 2021. Unlike the July 26, 2021, Order, the August 5 Order does not allow workers to avoid the vaccine mandate by testing regularly, except for workers who claim a
Continue Reading Health Care Workers In a World of Pure Vaccination

Seyfarth Synopsis: On July 26, 2021, Governor Newsom, announced that California state workers and workers in “health care” and “high-risk congregate settings” will be mandated to either show proof of being fully vaccinated, or be tested for COVID-19 at least weekly. The mandate also encourages all local governments and other employers to adopt a similar protocol. The California Department of
Continue Reading California’s Mandate: Give Me Vaccinations, Or Give Me Tests!

Seyfarth Synopsis: Several California counties currently have mask “recommendations” that are stricter than the state’s guidance, recommending all people wear masks in indoor settings. As of 11:59 p.m. on July 17, 2021, Los Angeles will go a step further, implementing a revised Public Health Order with a new mask mandate requiring people—regardless of vaccination status—to wear masks in
Continue Reading Mask Mandates and Recommendations Return

Seyfarth Synopsis: Summertime is here. That time of year when wildflowers cover the landscape, birds are singing, and summer love is in the air—and that air may just drift into the workplace. And while a budding relationship seems innocent enough, the thorny reality of potential harassment, quid pro quo, hostile work environment, and other claims stemming from the demise
Continue Reading Wildflowers Are Not Intentionally Planted—Workplace Relationship Policies Can Be