Seyfarth Synopsis: While targeted social media ads may help employers find potential applicants with specific skill sets, inartfully crafted ads may open the door to discrimination claims, particularly in California.

We’ve already told you about the parade of horribles employers may face when using social media when making hiring decisions.

Well, more social media, more problems.

Micro-Targeting May Open The
Continue Reading Is Looking For Applicants On Social Media Looking For Trouble?

We are pleased to cross-post with our sister blog, Pay Equity Microblog, the following important and timely blog post regarding the latest in California pay equity legislation.

Seyfarth Synopsis: California Governor Brown signed into law yesterday Assembly Bill No. 2282 to clarify previously passed legislation that prohibits inquiries into an applicant’s salary history. Read on for a recap of
Continue Reading California Attempts to Clarify Salary History Ban Legislation

Seyfarth Synopsis:  The California Fair Employment and Housing Council (“FEHC”) is currently drafting new regulations that define employment practices that constitute discrimination against transgender applicants and employees. On April 7, 2016, the FEHC met in Oakland to discuss and hear public comment on its new, draft proposed regulations, which are in their early stages of development. The next hearing will
Continue Reading It’s Not Just the Bathrooms: Look Out for Amended FEHC Regulations re Transgender Employees

October 11, 2015, was Governor Brown’s last day to sign bills the California Legislature presented to him following the first year of the 2015-2016 Legislative Session. Below is a summary of what did and did not make Governor Brown’s final cut, and some practical tips for California employers to prepare themselves for compliance with these new California peculiarities.

Continue Reading 2015 California Labor and Employment Legislation Update: It’s Final!

California State Capitol in Sacramento

The California Legislature adjourned Friday evening, September 11, to close its 2015-16 Legislative Session. It sent a number of employment-related bills to Governor Brown for consideration by his October 11, 2015 deadline to sign or veto the bills. Below is a summary of those before him for consideration, as well as some significant bills he has already signed or that
Continue Reading 2015 California Labor and Employment Legislation Update: The End (of Session) Is Near…