Seyfarth Synopsis: California’s hotly contested and closely followed AB 5 independent contractor bill, which would extend the ABC test beyond Wage Order claims, just passed the California Senate, and now heads back to the State Assembly for reconciliation before going to Governor Newsom’s desk for his expected signature.

Tell Me What You Think About Me: The Destiny of AB 5
Continue Reading Who Are Independent (Contractors)? Throw Your Hands Up At Me!

On April 30, 2018, the California Supreme Court issued a long-awaited opinion in which it considered which test should be used to decide whether a worker asserting claims under a California Wage Order is an employee or an independent contractor.  The following Seyfarth One Minute Memo summarizes the case and what it means for employers.

Seyfarth Synopsis: The California Supreme
Continue Reading California Supremes Prescribe “ABC” Test for Independent Contractor Status

Seyfarth Synopsis: Yes, it’s true: California employees can be entitled to pay for time they haven’t worked. Here, we highlight two common instances: split shifts and reporting time.

Your head—already spinning if you’ve wrapped it around California’s quirky wage and hour laws—may explode when you consider the notion of having to pay for time not worked. The duties to pay
Continue Reading Paying Employees Who Haven’t Worked: Split Shifts And Reporting Pay

Seyfarth Synopsis: Seats must be provided for each location where the work reasonably permits.

It started like a bad joke. A cashier and a bank teller walk into a bar—actually, a federal court served by the Bar—and sue CVS Pharmacy and JPMorgan Chase Bank, claiming they were entitled to sit while working, under the California wage orders. They lose
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