Seyfarth Synopsis: Information is everywhere, especially in the workplace. But traditional means of securing and sharing data—which typically involve accessing password protected information from various sources—is inefficient, cumbersome, and risky. As old authentication methods are replaced with biometric and blockchain applications, companies will enjoy increased efficiency, security, and cost-savings. But they would be wise to prepare by first understanding the
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Seyfarth Synopsis: Employers have been scammed into sending sensitive W-2 information to malicious third parties. This article outlines the key steps California employers must immediately take if subject to this unfortunate event.

In 2003, California became the first state to enact a data breach notification law: the California Data Protection Act. Since then, over 30 states have enacted similar statutes
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Seyfarth Synopsis: Hernandez v. Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc., a case stemming from a phishing scam, emphasizes the need for California employers to implement comprehensive data protection and data breach notification policies and practices for personal employee information under the CDPA.

A story of a company suffering a data breach tops newspaper headlines almost daily. So how can you stay

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