Seyfarth Synopsis: Employers in California: be aware and prepare for new laws increasing minimum wages and mandating overtime pay for agricultural employees; expanding the California Fair Pay Act to race and ethnicity and to address prior salary consideration; imposing new restrictions on background checks and gig economy workers; and more. Small employers will be relieved the Governor vetoed expanded unpaid
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Work Hours
Corollary (and Coronary?) Ramifications Of the 2016 Minimum Wage Increase
The $10 state-wide minimum wage that hits us on January 1, 2016, will complicate things even more than the last increase.
We previously reported here and here on the two-step legislation aimed to increase minimum wage from $8 to $10 by way of two $1 incremental raises. The first $1 increase took effect July 1, 2014. Now it’s time for…
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California Legislative Update: 2015 Employment Legislation To Watch
By Kristina Launey and Christina Jackson
Having reconvened this past Monday from Spring Recess, the California Legislature will return its attention to the employment-related bills that were introduced for this 2015-16 Legislative Session. These bills—covering topics including paid leave rights, hours of work, and payment of wages—will now be heard in committees, as their authors attempt to carry them through the process to the Governor’s desk for approval. While it is too early to tell which bills will make the cut, those that do will be sure to affect employers doing business in California.
The proposed bills we’re watching most carefully are:
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