Quintessential early adapters and always on the go, we Californians love change, and we start trends. That’s good. There has been plenty of change this past year in the world of California labor and employment law. As Father Time prepares to tender his timekeeping duties to Baby New Year, let’s take a moment off the clock to look back at

This time of year gives us a chance to look back on what we’ve accomplished in the last twelve months. Our legislators and judges have kept us busy reporting on the ever-changing landscape that comes with employing folks in California. We saw our readership continue to grow and, with your support, won the very exciting Best Legal Blog – Labor
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iStock_000048342610_LargeEmployers navigating the treacherous waters of California’s new Paid Sick Leave Law and its recent amendments recently received some welcome guidance from the Labor Commissioner. On the heels of an August 7, 2015 opinion letter, in October, the LC issued updated FAQs to assist employers comply with the new law.

While much of the information in the updated FAQs
Continue Reading Just In Time For Flu Season! More on Sick Pay

HiResYou’re reading a blog post, and thus need no primer on the prevalence of social media. But you may not be aware of the pitfalls facing employers that use, monitor, or implement policies regarding social media.

Employers can face liability for a wide variety of social media-related practices. For example, if you thought employers generally could prohibit employees from picking
Continue Reading To Follow or Not To Follow … (Social Media in the Workplace—Part 1 of 2)

iStock_000000642401_LargeYesterday, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law AB 897, a “clean up” bill he requested to address an omission in AB 359, which Governor Brown had signed into law on August 17, 2015. This legislation, effective January 1, 2016, will require a successor grocery employer to retain eligible workers for a 90-day transitional period and, upon completion of that
Continue Reading Double-Bagged: Governor Signs Second Piece of Grocery Worker Retention Law

 We are excited to announce that from a field of more than 2,000 potential nominees, our Cal-Peculiarities blog has received enough nominations (thank you!) to join the 250 legal blogs participating in The Expert Institute’s Best Legal Blog Competition!

Now that the blogs have been nominated and placed into their respective categories, it is up to you, our cherished readers,
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Responsive Web Design Concept. VectorSince New Jersey led the way in 1994, many states have enacted so-called Megan’s Laws, which establish public online registries of individuals who have been convicted of a sex-based offense. California’s version of Megan’s Law is codified as California Penal Code § 290.46.

Section 290.46 requires all convicted sex offenders to register with the state’s sex-offender Registry. California then publishes
Continue Reading Megan’s Law: How California Limits its Use for Employment Purposes

(Photo) SF StreetBy Laura Maechtlen and Jason Allen

As our loyal CalPecs blog readers know, in November 2014, San Francisco passed two ordinances—“Hours and Retention Protections for Formula Retail Employees” and “Fair Scheduling and Treatment of Formula Retail Employees”—colloquially known, together, as the “San Francisco Retail Workers’ Bill of Rights.”  (Our most recent update and a recent Management Alert can be found here and here, respectively.)  On July 7, 2015, the S.F. Board of Supes proved that the Bill of Rights is a living document by passing an amendment to the SF Workers’ Bill of Rights on the final reading.

Most significantly, the amendment changes the definition of employers covered by the ordinances.  The amendment also modifies some of the requirements imposed on employers and clarifies some open enforcement issues.  The Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (“OLSE”) has posted information about the amendment here and here, and the text of the amendment here. In short:
Continue Reading Changes to the S.F. Formula Retail Employee Rights Ordinances

(Illustration)CompetitionDear Friends and Loyal Readers,

We need your help!  The Cal-Peculiarities Employment Law Blog has been invited to participate in a “best legal blog competition” sponsored by The Expert Institute.   If you appreciate our weekly posts, we would very much appreciate your nominating us in the Labor & Employment category.

If our blog is selected for one of the top
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Man signs document stamped handleBy Dana Peterson and Christopher Im

California’s Paid Sick Leave Law, AB 304, or the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 as it is officially known, is a hot topic that we have blogged about a number of times. Eligible employees began accruing paid sick time under the new law on July 1st. However, proposed amendments to the
Continue Reading AT LAST, Amendments to CA’s Paid Sick Leave Law Signed By Governor!