Seyfarth Synopsis: Have you pondered the implications of hiring help around the house? Here are some legal requirements regarding employment of domestic helpers.

Household workers or “domestic helpers” are people who work within a private household or on their employer’s premises. They include cleaners, maids, groundskeepers, dog walkers, cooks, nurses, home masseuses, personal trainers, and nannies, and those holding
Continue Reading “Takin’ Care of Business” at Home: Hiring California Household Help

injured businessman in bandages and crutches with dollar pile and falling money vectorBy Ofer Lion

If your company is a nonprofit or has a nonprofit foundation, are you covered if something happens to your volunteers while they’re engaged in service to your organization?

The concern is real. There were 287 fatal occupation injuries among volunteers from 2003-2007. Prudent nonprofits carry insurance, called “volunteer accident insurance,” to cover injuries to volunteers.

Continue Reading Nonprofit Volunteers: We’ll work for free … unless we get hurt