Seyfarth Synopsis: Every year California enacts a host of new laws that mean even the most diligent employers need to give their handbooks and policies a review and make sure they are up to date with the latest developments. Seyfarth has a few tips for making sure your handbook in the New Year stays compliant all year long (or at
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Fall Into Handbook And Policy Update Season
Seyfarth Synopsis: Although there’s no right or wrong time to do a handbook and policy update, we recommend doing them annually, as California law continually changes. Fall is a good touch point to make changes for the next year start, particularly since new laws typically become effective on January 1.
Though it’s late October, California temperatures just now are dropping…
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Does Your California Handbook Need A “Checkup” This Flu Season?: Part Two
By Ann Marie Zaletel and Casey McCoy
Leaves are turning, days are shortening — the classic signs that winter is on its way. With winter comes cold and flu season. Much like flu shots often protect us from coming down with the flu, when done right employee handbooks can help protect employers legally.
Continuing on with Part II of this …
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Does Your California Handbook Need A “Checkup” This Flu Season?: Part One
By Ann Marie Zaletel and Casey McCoy
Leaves are turning, days are shortening—the classic signs that winter is on its way. With winter comes cold and flu season. Much like flu shots often protect us from coming down with the flu, when done right employee handbooks can help protect employers legally.
Here are some common symptoms that your California handbook …
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