Seyfarth Synopsis: On June 20, 2023, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) updated its guidance to local health departments on the definition of a COVID-19 outbreak. The new definition changes the timeframe for counting COVID-19 cases that make up an outbreak from 14 to 7 days. The CDPH change necessitates that the definition of an outbreak for purposes

Continue Reading Cal/OSHA Definition Changes Make Outbreaks Less Likely

Seyfarth Synopsis: After a lengthy delay due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cal/OSHA has published its proposed indoor heat illness prevention standard. After the publication, there is a 45-day comment period, ending at the Standards Board May 18, 2023 meeting. The Standards Board has one year from publication date to take action on the proposed standard

Continue Reading Cal/OSHA Turns Up The Heat on Employers

Seyfarth Synopsis: Following a rollercoaster ride that lasted for weeks, and culminated in another 4.5 hour long marathon meeting, on June 17, 2021, Cal/OSHA finally approved a revised version of its Emergency Temporary Standard (“ETS”). While the revised ETS aligns closer to guidance issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”)
Continue Reading Finally! Cal/OSHA Approves Revised Emergency Temporary Standard

Seyfarth Synopsis: The California Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board (OSHSB) was supposed to consider changes to the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on May 20, 2021. But after the CDC published a May 13, 2021 guidance saying that fully vaccinated individuals could resume pre-pandemic activities without masks, Cal/OSHA asked the OSHSB to delay its consideration of the
Continue Reading For Real Now: Cal/OSHA Board Considering Changes to COVID-19 ETS

By Shireen Wetmore, Kerry M. Friedrichs, Benjamin D. Briggs, and Ilana R. Morady

Seyfarth Synopsis: The Department of Labor Standards and Enforcement, the Employment Development Department, and CalOSHA now have FAQs addressing how the COVID-19. coronavirus affects California businesses.

Perhaps you, like an author of this post, enjoy reading updates on COVID-19 (the shorthand for “coronavirus
Continue Reading Coronavirus Questions? California Administrative Agencies Have Answers!

Seyfarth Synopsis: Cal/OSHA’s new emergency regulation for workers exposed to wildfire smoke creates new obligations for many employers.

An emergency regulation on Protection from Wildfire Smoke applies to outdoor workers and to workers in semi-indoor places. Examples include day laborers, agricultural workers, landscapers, construction workers, and sanitation workers. Requirements (described below) kick in when the current Air Quality Index
Continue Reading New Cal/OSHA Emergency Regulation to Protect Workers from Wildfire Smoke

Seyfarth Synopsis: Although the concept of working remotely may seem simple, employers must consider several issues before allowing employees to work from home.


There’s No Place Like Home

Today’s technology allows many employees to work nearly as well in their pajamas at home or in their jeans at a local coffee shop as they can
Continue Reading Home Sweet Home Office: Considerations With Remote Employees

By Joshua M. HendersonIlana R. MoradyJames L. Curtis, and Craig B. Simonsen

Seyfarth Synopsis: CalOSHA published a news release TODAY, on a new emergency regulation for the electronic submission of CY 2017 Form 300A on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.  CalOSHA submitted the rule yesterday, and will allow public comments until Tuesday, October 30th, with
Continue Reading Attention California Employers!  Cal/OSHA Issues Notice of Emergency Regulation for Electronic Submission of CY 2017 Form 300A by December 31, 2018

HiRes (2)As we trudge through the dog days of summer, temperatures rise, employees daydream about vacation, and, unfortunately, workplace accidents and injuries happen. This is a time to note that some Cal/OSHA District Offices take a very expansive view of injury and illness reporting requirements.  And not all District Offices take the same approach!  Thankfully, we have a team of Cal/OSHA
Continue Reading It’s Summer! Let’s Take a Dip in the Cal/OSHA.

This blog post was originally published in Seyfarth Shaw’s Environmental & Safety Law Update.

California is one of 22 states and jurisdictions that has its own OSHA Plan covering private sector employers.  The federal OSHA law, of course, continues to provide a minimum level of safety, or “floor,” under which these state regulations may not fall.  But above this
Continue Reading California Really Is Different: How Employers’ Obligations Differ Under Cal/OSHA With Respect to Reporting Serious Workplace Injuries