Seyfarth Synopsis: On Saturday, October 9, 2021 Governor Newsom signed the last of 2021’s pending employment-related bills, including a bill imposing even more restrictions on settlement agreements. The new laws will become effective on January 1, 2022. This post summarizes the new approvals as well as other new key employment laws with which California employers will need to comply.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
2019 Employment Law: Cases Pending in the California Supreme Court
Seyfarth Synopsis: Employment-related cases pending before the California Supreme Court concern various questions that sometimes seem technical, but the answers they elicit will have big consequences. Questions raised by the current crop of cases include standing to sue, the availability of certain claims and remedies, federal preemption of California laws, what counts as compensable time, and—that perennial favorite—how to interpret …
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Constructive Solution for PAGA? CBA Waivers for Construction Employers
Seyfarth Synopsis: AB 1654 provides a PAGA exemption for certain employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement. While AB 1654 is limited to the construction industry, its underlying rationale applies much more broadly, and may augur further thoughtful restrictions on PAGA’s broad scope.
California’s Private Attorneys General Act, imposing draconian penalties for even relatively trivial Labor Code violations, remains the…
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San Francisco-Peculiarities: Fog Lifts on City’s New Paid Sick Leave Rules
Seyfarth Synopsis: June 7, 2018, when the city’s new Paid Sick Leave rules take effect, marks the latest chapter in the City by the Bay’s long history of imposing local employment standards that exceed state requirements. Here’s what you need to know before this latest San Francisco peculiarity begins.
On May 7, 2018, after considering public input on proposed rules…
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