Seyfarth Synopsis: Every year California enacts a host of new laws that mean even the most diligent employers need to give their handbooks and policies a review and make sure they are up to date with the latest developments. Seyfarth has a few tips for making sure your handbook in the New Year stays compliant all year long (or at

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Seyfarth Synopsis: Summertime is here. That time of year when wildflowers cover the landscape, birds are singing, and summer love is in the air—and that air may just drift into the workplace. And while a budding relationship seems innocent enough, the thorny reality of potential harassment, quid pro quo, hostile work environment, and other claims stemming from the demise
Continue Reading Wildflowers Are Not Intentionally Planted—Workplace Relationship Policies Can Be

Seyfarth Synopsis: In 2020, California enacted SB 1383 which, as of January 1, 2021, amended Government Code section 12945.2 to expand the California Family Rights Act (“CFRA”). These changes will require employers who have been subject to the CFRA to ensure their policies are up to date, as well as bringing new employers into the family of businesses who must
Continue Reading California’s (Modern) Family Leave

Seyfarth Synopsis: Although there’s no right or wrong time to do a handbook and policy update, we recommend doing them annually, as California law continually changes. Fall is a good touch point to make changes for the next year start, particularly since new laws typically become effective on January 1.

Though it’s late October, California temperatures just now are dropping
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Seyfarth Synopsis: California employers racing to ensure all their employees receive mandatory harassment training by the end of the year can now take their foot off the gas. In response to an outcry from employer groups regarding the challenge of compliance at breakneck speed, the Legislature and Governor Newsom have extended the new training deadline for a year.

Faithful readers
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Seyfarth Synopsis: Although there’s no right or wrong time to do a handbook update, we recommend them annually. Might as well take the opportunity when operations are typically slower, summertime, to give your handbook a shine. We’ve highlighted a few areas upon which to focus when you do so.

Ah, the joys of summer. Maybe it’s the heat, but everything
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Seyfarth Synopsis:  Santa Monica has amended its Minimum Wage Ordinance to postpone implementation of its paid sick leave entitlements, now starting January 1, 2017 instead of July 1, 2016, and create a two phase implementation process for both small and large employers.

Like many a trip to the beach, the journey of the paid sick leave portion of Santa Monica’s
Continue Reading UPDATE: Santa Monica Amends Minimum Wage Ordinance, Delays Sick Pay Implementation.

iStock_000006895318_LargeWe all know that social media and privacy issues in the workplace can be a bone-chilling proposition.  Before you go snooping into your employees’ social media accounts to see whether it’s filled with tricks or tweets, please be sure to review our frightfully informative 2015-2016 Edition of the Social Media Privacy Legislation Desktop Reference.  Without it, one never knows what
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HiResDid you know that California law currently allows employers in certain circumstances to give preferential treatment to candidates who aren’t “aliens”? No, you didn’t miss the new Independence Day movie (what took so long?) or yet another landing at Roswell. A 1937 statute, codified in California Labor Code section 1725, has for almost 80 years defined “alien” to mean “any
Continue Reading No More “Aliens”: Outdated Term Shipped Back to Home Planet

HiRes (2)As we trudge through the dog days of summer, temperatures rise, employees daydream about vacation, and, unfortunately, workplace accidents and injuries happen. This is a time to note that some Cal/OSHA District Offices take a very expansive view of injury and illness reporting requirements.  And not all District Offices take the same approach!  Thankfully, we have a team of Cal/OSHA
Continue Reading It’s Summer! Let’s Take a Dip in the Cal/OSHA.